Newry Primary Schools sign up to The Daily Mile
Source: Newry Times
Date: 15-November-2018
A number of local Newry Primary Schools are benefiting from taking part in The Daily Mile programme.
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust in partnership with the Public Health Agency and local councils are promoting The Daily Mile and encouraging more schools to get involved.
Clare Drummy, Physical Activity Coordinator for the Southern Trust said, “Schools already taking part in The Daily Mile are reporting huge benefits for pupils and staff. As well as increasing activity levels and helping to combat obesity, the break outside and a bit of fresh air during the school day is also helping to improve children’s concentration during lessons.”
The principal of St Brigid’s Drumilly, Primary School, Mr Jeff Crimmins said, “The children are calmer and more relaxed when they come in from their Daily Mile. Without a doubt, children have benefited tremendously from a physical fitness perspective.”
Teacher, Colette Hicks from Cloughoge Primary School commented, “After The Daily Mile children are more settled in their work, concentration levels have improved, fitness levels have also improved. Children are really enjoying the initiative and the teachers and other members of staff are taking part also.”
Principal Stephen Moane from Roan St Patricks Primary School Eglish said, “Our children are generally fitter and healthier due to The Daily Mile. We have also found that they are a lot more settled and relaxed afterwards and able to focus a little more on tasks during class.”
Teacher, Micheal Brady from Gaelscoil na mBeann, Kilkeel said. “Increased fitness across the board, leading to benefits in other physical activities. Some kids showing interest in running outside school as a result.”
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