Start the Conversation
Start the conversation about getting The Daily Mile for your organization today! Look below to see examples of how you can pitch this next whole-child wellness initiative to others!
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Getting The Daily Mile started in your organization begins with a conversation.
Please see below for examples of how to approach The Daily Mile with Superintendents, Classroom Teachers, Principals, Families, Physical Educators & Coaches, Counselors, & Health Educators.
“I found this great program. It takes kids and teachers outdoors for some extra movement during the day. It’s the perfect chance for everyone to reset.
It’s all about whole-child health. It’s proven to help kids socially, emotionally and physically. It also helps them focus in the classroom which leads to improved academic performance.
There’s lots of independent research to back up the claims.
It’s absolutely free. Can we pilot the program in a few classes at one of our elementary schools?”
Classroom Teachers
“Have you heard of The Daily Mile? I looked it up and I think it’s worth trying. Better behavior, increased learning and building healthy habits that could last a lifetime. Teachers in schools like ours say it helps kids socially and emotionally. Everyone, including the teachers, is happier.
It also gives you and your students a chance to get outdoors for a 15-minute brain break and some relationship building. The extra movement leads to improved assessment results, more efficient classroom management and positive classroom culture. Once it’s up and running the kids want to keep going. They feel the benefits. It sustains itself.
Would you be willing to work on a pilot with a couple of other teachers if the Principal agrees? Our PE teachers could help to set it up. It’s free and simple.”
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“Supporting teachers so they can get the best out of students is tough. I found this great program that teachers love. Behaviors get better. Learning improves. Relationships grow.
The Daily Mile is free, and easy to implement. Classroom teachers deliver The Daily Mile, but it works well when PE teachers are the point of contact for a trial. Once the children feel the benefits, they keep it running.
Students and teachers love the movement. Do you think our PE teacher would be willing to help with a trial? Could we introduce this to a couple of our more open teachers to try it out?”
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“Have you heard of The Daily Mile? It’s a free program that provides a great opportunity for students and teachers to reset. The program is specifically designed to focus on whole-child health and has been proven to increase focus in class, leading to improved academic performance.
It also helps kids and teachers with stress management and helps kids build solid foundations for social and emotional health. I looked it up. Teachers seem to love it because it helps keep their classes on track, and gives them a brain break as well as the kids.
Would you tell your child’s teacher about the program and see if they would consider it for their school?”
Download and share this flyer with your parent friends.
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Physical Educators & Coaches
“You’re the health and wellness specialist on campus. You totally understand the necessity to address all the needs of our children.
I heard of this great program that takes kids and teachers outdoors for some extra movement during the day. It’s in addition to their normal PE classes or recess. The research shows it’s a success. It helps kids socially, emotionally, and physically. Behaviors get better. Learning improves. Relationships grow.
Classroom teachers deliver The Daily Mile, but it works well when PE teachers are the point of contact for a trial. When children feel the benefits, they keep it running. Students and teachers love the movement.
The program’s free, and it’s easy to implement. Can we pilot this with a class or two?”
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“I heard of this great program designed to help kids. It connects physical health to social-emotional health.
It’s 15 minutes where students and teachers get outside to build relationships. It creates a sense of community in their classroom.
It also builds resilience and helps kids practice conflict resolution. Teachers doing the program say that after a few weeks student trust builds and they start to open up. Students express things they might not in a normal classroom setting. They can get the help they need. Could we find a couple of teachers who would consider piloting the program?”
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Health Educators
“I found this great program that connects physical health to social-emotional health. Teachers in schools like ours have embraced it. They say it lets them build positive relationships with their students. It reduces the amount of class time they usually spend keeping kids on task.
It also builds a sense of community. Students can practice social interactions and conflict resolution.
It’s 15 extra minutes of movement during the day. It’s not PE or recess. And, it improves academic and physical performance.
Could we find a couple of teachers in one of our elementary schools to pilot the program?”
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