Ways to schedule The Daily Mile to fit your school

There are many ways to schedule The Daily Mile into fit your school. Read below to see how one elementary school in Kansas schedules The Daily Mile in to build school community and connectedness! 

“I wanted to share how Whittier Elementary in Winfield, Kansas is using the Daily Mile this year.  This is the first year we have done the Daily Mile and it has been great.  I teach PE at Whittier which is a K-5 elementary school.  I try to stress doing activities that will help students for a lifetime. My principal Marcia McIntire believes in this and has supported me wholeheartedly.  This year our entire building is participating in The Daily Mile.

Monday mornings we meet as a building for a short assembly to set a goal for our character trait of the month.  We then go outside and walk as an entire building for 15 minutes.

Tuesday mornings we meet in our “Hero Huddle”.  This is a small group with students from each grade-level in one huddle.  After the meeting which takes approximately 30 minutes the groups walk/run for 15 minutes outside.  This allows students to walk with other grade-level students and staff.  They discuss what they talked about in the Huddle and whatever else they decide to discuss.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday each classroom teacher take their class out to walk or run for 15 minutes.

We have Buddy classes which is where we pair up a younger class with an “older class”.  Several of our teachers have started doing The Daily Mile once a week with their buddy class. One example is our Kindergarten and 3rd Grade classes walk/run together once a week.

It has been great to see students and staff together and interacting.  It has allowed students to see that physical activity is for everyone!!! Our students always beg to do their Daily Mile.”

– Sherrie Drake, Physical Education Teacher
Whittier Elementary


Fitting The Daily Mile into your class schedules is possible. Download a sample schedule to see what your school’s schedule looks like with The Daily Mile!


Special THANK YOU to Sherrie for sharing her Daily Mile story!



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